
Baby Lullaby Program

Safe Sleep today so they are here tomorrow.

Baby Lullaby helps you figure out what sleep practices work best to keep your baby safe so that you can get some rest and sleep too! We provide resources and information on baby sleep strategies, including safe sleep, and we connect you with free community programs and supports.


Lullabies From Us, For You

Music has a magical power to help little ones drift off to dreamland peacefully. Here is a collection of gentle lullabies designed to create a soothing bedtime for your baby. Creating a consistent bedtime routine is essential for your baby's safe sleep.


Guilt Free Support

Sometimes, getting your baby to sleep can be hard. But safe sleep is worth it.

Let's help more babies reach their first birthdays. Join the Evidence-Based Sleep Training group to help you get your child to sleep independently in a safe way.

Creating a Safe Sleep Environment


Same Room, Separate Bed

A is for Alone!

Babies should sleep by themselves, in their own sleep space with no other people. Adults should never share a bed with a baby.


Every Nap, Every Sleep, Every Time

On Their Back!

Babies who sleep on their backs are less likely to choke or suffocate than babies who sleep on their stomachs.


... or Bassinet with a firm, flat surface with nothing extra such as bumpers, blankets, and toys

In a Crib!

Adult beds, couches, and chairs are not safe places for babies to sleep. Keep pillows, blankets, and toys out of the crib because babies can suffocate on soft objects.

Keeping our babies safe

It takes one time

Hear more of Sarah's story. 

It can happen to anyone

Hear more of Ashley's story. 

It is preventable

Hear more of Jen's story. 

Back to Sleep... Tummy to Play

Baby Habits

Babies are not born with habits.

Babies will learn

Babies will learn to be comfortable if they start out sleeping on their backs and stay on their backs.


Babies should sleep on their backs at every sleep time – naps and nighttime.

Develop Muscles

Babies need tummy time to develop different muscles and prevent a flat head.

Tummy Time

Tummy time should only be when baby is awake and supervised.

Holding Baby

Spend time holding baby in your arms as well as watching baby on tummy.

Tips to increase safety

These safety tips apply when safe sleep recommendations are followed.

Avoid Overheating

Set the temperature in the room to the same temperature for an adult.

Dress the baby in as little or as much clothing as you would dress yourself.

Use a sleep sack.


Breastfeeding, if possible

Breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months is recommended by the AAP, as it reduces the risk of unsafe sleep-related death.


Research has also indicated use of a pacifier while sleeping reduces the risk of sleep-related death.
The pacifier should be offered only once breastfeeding is well established (often at 3 to 4 weeks of age).
Don’t attach the pacifier to clothes or toys. Strings or cords can strangle the baby during sleep.


A firm crib mattress, covered by a fitted sheet, is the recommended sleeping surface.

Keep soft objects and loose bedding out of the crib to reduce the risk of SIDS, suffocation, entrapment, and strangulation.

Avoid smoke exposure during pregnancy and after birth.

Avoid alcohol and illicit drug use during pregnancy and after birth.

Supervised, awake tummy time is recommended to facilitate development and to minimize development of positional plagiocephaly.

Infants should be immunized in accordance with recommendations of the AAP and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Avoid overheating.

Room sharing without bed sharing is recommended.

Pregnant women should receive regular prenatal care.

If possible, mothers should exclusively breastfeed or feed with expressed human milk.